Public spaces in an age of social distancing: How to rethink parks after coronavirus
New Yorkers soak up the sun and try to stay cool on what might be the last hot day of the year in Bryant Park in 2019.
New Yorkers soak up the sun and try to stay cool on what might be the last hot day of the year in Bryant Park in 2019.(Wes Parnell/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)

At some point in the not-too-distant future, we will emerge from our urban cave-dwelling into the sunlight and re-populate our parks, plazas, streets and commercial corridors — likely with a renewed appreciation for their value. I recently took our puppy for a walk in Riverside Park, sat down on a bench and watched the river. An acquaintance from a community group stopped to chat. I don’t know him well and hadn’t spoken to him in years. But our spontaneous social contact made my day, since I had been otherwise isolated in my Upper West Side apartment. I simply enjoyed the conversation.

When the coronavirus shutdown ends, New Yorkers will have spent more time out-of-doors near their homes as a result of being asked to self-isolate and work from home and are likely to have a renewed feeling for their local public places as a result of finding a welcome change (and perhaps even some safe social engagement) there.


With that re-energized valuing of the public realm, the public and private sectors should be taking advantage of the resulting support to properly manage, program and maintain those spaces going forward.

We need to focus our resources on adequately stewarding of our existing public spaces, especially before expending valuable capital dollars on building new ones or rebuilding old ones. The most important ingredients to great outdoor social experiences are in their operation — and not necessarily in their design.

So, here are some suggestions for public space policy after the pandemic abates.

One, the city should fully fund the operations of the Parks Department with sufficient resources to keep a full-time staff that can provide a high-quality public space experience to all users. Parks in every neighborhood should be maintained and programmed with an eye for detail and insistence on high standards. Lawns need to be mowed regularly, bathrooms need to be cleaned and trash needs to be picked up at the very least.

Two, public spaces need to be well programmed in addition to being physically maintained in order to draw people to them. The most effective programming elements are inexpensive and easy to implement. Moveable chairs and tables are emblematic of the kind of programming that works.

Three, we should find new ways to introduce commercial activity into more public spaces; this both animates them and makes them self-sustaining. Every public space, no matter how small, should have some food and drink for sale.

Four, while storefront retail is floundering, with seismic changes in the traditional retailing environment, pop-up, short-term stores are thriving. These range from the traditional farmers’ markets to urban food halls like “Turnstyles” in the New York City/Columbus Circle subway station (of all places!). More commercial corridors throughout the five boroughs need to capture this new energy.

Successful retailing in public spaces and downtowns will be smaller scale and more local than in the past. Food service and personal services (health care, beauty, spa) will predominate. Multi-channel (brick and mortar, as well as online) sellers of unique merchandise, like the hand-made or very high quality, will be more likely to be successful.


Last, even — in fact, especially — the sidewalks of commercial corridors of borough neighborhoods should be animated. Every place serving food on a commercial street should be encouraged to spill out onto the sidewalk (no matter how narrow), advertising to passersby that the street is active and interesting.

What we learned in revitalizing Bryant Park was that much of what works in public space improvement is counter-intuitive and contrary to the conventional wisdom. Our recent experience of social distancing and isolation made us appreciate the value of community engagement and the informal contacts with neighbors and friends make possible by active parks, plazas and downtowns. That renewed appreciation should energize us to rededicate energy and resources to the public realm. The benefits will continue to be enormous.


Manshel, former associate director and counsel at the Bryant Park Restoration Corporation, is author of “Learning from Bryant Park.”


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